First we load import the openmodes
packages, along with a few other useful python packages.
In [1]:
# setup 2D and 3D plotting
%matplotlib inline
from openmodes.ipython import matplotlib_defaults
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# the numpy library contains useful mathematical functions
import numpy as np
# import useful python libraries
import os.path as osp
# import the openmodes packages
import openmodes
from openmodes.sources import PlaneWaveSource
Then we create a Simulation
object which holds all the data for the simulation we are going to run. Since we are running in the IPython/Jupyter notebook, we pass notebook=True
to enable in browser 3D plots and progress sliders.
In [2]:
sim = openmodes.Simulation(notebook=True)
Next we load the geometry file. This geometry file is written in the scripting language of gmsh, a program which converts the geometry into a surface mesh. The geometry file used is a split ring resonator provided with OpenModes. The installation location of these provided geometries is found in openmodes.geometry_dir
. Also, these included geometries are written so that some of their geometric parameters can be modified. In this case the inner radius is set to 2.5mm and the outer radius to 4mm.
The mesh density may be specified in the geometry file, but can be over-ridden with the parameter mesh_tol
. Be careful with this parameter, setting it too small can result in very long computations.
In [3]:
filename = osp.join(openmodes.geometry_dir, "SRR.geo")
mesh_tol = 1e-3
outer_radius = 4e-3
srr = sim.load_mesh(filename, mesh_tol, parameters={'inner_radius': 2.5e-3, 'outer_radius': outer_radius})
Now we place the parts within the simulation. By default the parts are placed at the origin, so after placement we need to move one of them to the desired distance from the other. Before moving the second ring, it is rotated $180^\circ$ to create a broadside-coupled configuration.
In [4]:
ring1 = sim.place_part(srr)
ring2 = sim.place_part(srr)
ring2.rotate(axis = [0, 0, 1], angle = 180)
ring2.translate([0, 0, 2e-3])
To check that the parts have been placed in the correct location, we can visualise them using the provided plot_3d
function. This creates a 3d view of the objects within the browser. You can control the view point with the mouse
In [5]:
We will calculate the extinction cross section for this pair of SRRs, assuming that they are perfectly conducting. We want to excite it with a $y$ polarised plane wave, propagating in the $x$ direction.
$$\mathbf{E}_{inc} = \hat{\mathbf{y}}\exp\left(-\frac{s}{c}\hat{\mathbf{x}}\cdot\mathbf{r}\right)$$We will calculate at 401 frequencies between 5 and 10 GHz.
In [6]:
# the frequency range over which to calculate
freqs = np.linspace(5e9, 10e9, 401)
# construct the source plane wave with given polarisation and propagation direction
e_inc = np.array([0, 1, 0])
k_dir = np.array([1, 0, 0])
# The optional p_inc parameter ensures that the incident field is normalised to 1W/m^2
plane_wave = PlaneWaveSource(e_inc, k_dir, p_inc=1.0)
# create an empty array to hold extinction data
extinction_single = np.empty(len(freqs), np.float64)
extinction_pair = np.empty(len(freqs), np.float64)
Now loop through all the frequencies. For notational convenience, the time dependence is assumed as $\exp(s t)$ with complex frequency $s$.
At each frequency the impedance matrix $Z$ is calculated, as is the source term $V$ due to the plane wave. By default these matrices and vectors are composite objects accounting for all the parts. We can select one of these matrices to find the response of an isolated part, or we can combine them together to find the response of the entire system.
In both cases, the extinction cross-section $\sigma_{ext}$ is found from the impedance matrix $Z$ and driving term $V$ as $\sigma_{ext}(s) = V^{*}(s)\cdot Z(s) \cdot V(s)$
In [7]:
for freq_count, s in sim.iter_freqs(freqs):
Z = sim.impedance(s)
V = sim.source_vector(plane_wave, s)
Z_single = Z[ring1, ring1]
V_single = V[:, ring1]
# calculate the extinction only of one ring
extinction_single[freq_count] = np.vdot(V_single, Z_single.solve(V_single)).real
# calculate the extinction of the system of two rings
extinction_pair[freq_count] = np.vdot(V, Z.solve(V)).real
Now we plot the extinction cross-section as a function of frequency. We use the cross section to a disc with the same radius as the SRR as a reference to express it in the normalised form of extinction efficiency $Q_{ext}$.
In [8]:
area = np.pi*outer_radius**2
plt.plot(freqs*1e-9, extinction_single/area, label='single')
plt.plot(freqs*1e-9, extinction_pair/area, label='pair')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.xlabel('freq (GHz)')
plt.title('Extinction efficiency')
This figure shows the fundamental resonance of a single ring. By bringing the two rings near to each other, this resonance splits into two coupled modes. Subsequent examples will show how such modes and be explicitly modelled, and serve as the basis for convenient semi-analytical models of these structures.